How do I use the field code drop-down in advanced searching?


Use field code drop down menu: If you search seems to be well-developed, but your results still do not seem relevant, your search may be picking up the term anywhere in the text you are searching -- this can include anywhere in the pdf of the article if it is attached. Which could mean that you are searching for results about Canada and an article is coming up that has cited a source published by a Canadian Journal. This is where the drop down menu next to each subject line comes in handy, these are called fields:


Each topic area and database is going to be different, each database will have a help section that will explain how to use the fields section, but also play around with the various fields and see what works best for your results.

Database field code help:




  • Last Updated Mar 12, 2024
  • Views 286
  • Answered By Joanna Nemeth

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