My instructor wants me to search in a specific journal. How do I find it?


Unfortunately there is no easy way to search in multiple journals. We have 3 different ways here: 1) Looking at one journal, 2) Limiting your search in EBSCO 3) Limiting your search with no drop down 4) Go to the journal website . Choose which ever is easiest for you. 

1) You can see if AU Library subscribes to a particular journal by carrying out a journal titles search on the Library homepage. To do so, click on the "Journal title search" tab above the main search box.

You can search for the journal you need in a few ways:

  • "Title begins with" searches for the first words in a journal's title; for example, Canadian Journal.
  • "Title equals" searches for the exact, complete journal title; for example, Canadian Journal of Public Health. Please note that this search does not allow for best matches, so you have to search for the title exactly as it is spelled. If this search contains any typos or misspellings, you will not get a result!
  • "Title contains all words" searches for a few of the words in the title of journal; for example, Canadian public health.
  • "ISSN equals" searches for the ISSN number of the journal (an ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds, including both print and electronic media); for example, 0008-4263.

Once you have completed your search, you can see if AU Library has access to this journal in one of our databases. You may see that we have access to the journal in print, and / or electronically. You can also see which years of the journal are covered, as well as which database(s) the journal can be found in.

Follow the appropriate link to get to the journal's page within the selected database. Once in the database, you can carry out keyword searches within the journal, or can browse past issues. Most databases offer a "search within this publication" function, though it may look different depending on the database.


2) Limiting your search in EBSCO: This will work in various databases such as PsycINFO or ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health, you can find links to these databases here: ( On the results page you will be able to see a selection of limiters on the left side of your screen, you can select "scholarly (peer reviewed)" journals and if you scroll down further you can see a "Publication" this is a list of the journals that the articles that have appeared in your results are from, so you can then select Canadian Journal of Public Health, if it has results in your search, and only search within in. 

3) Limiting your search with search drop down. If you put in the journal title in many of the database, you can select the drop down next to the line Journal title or SO or Source and it will limit to only articles published in that journal, you can see an example of the drop downs here:

Keep in mind that this will only search this database's access to this journal and not the journal in full. 

4) Go to the journal website, your last option is to view all the abstracts of the journal on it's website and then look for access through the library after. Here is how to access the full text of an article that you find:

  • Last Updated Jul 29, 2024
  • Views 416
  • Answered By Jennifer Rempel

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