How can I access newspapers?


There are a couple ways to access articles from newspapers:

1) If you follow these steps ( you can search the newspapers of your choice (ie. Globe and Mail, or New York Times) after selecting "journal titles" from above the main search box.  If we have access to the newspaper you need, you will then see where we have access for different years. This is the best way to find specific articles or to find what has been published on your topic, but is not very keyword searchable, more for browsing what has been published in each issue.

2) You can also go directly into Canadian Newsstream or ProQuest Historical Newspapers or one of the other large newspaper databases by following these steps (, you will see "newspapers" under "type". If you go into Canadian Newsstream you can then search topics, but it gets trickier to limit to a specific newspaper. You can use the drop down next to the search boxes in the advanced search and put in a title such as "Globe and Mail" and select "publication title" next to the drop down (here's more info on using the drop down) or, once you have run a search you can go down to "publication title" on the left and limit to "Globe & Mail": 


  • Last Updated Jul 08, 2024
  • Views 37
  • Answered By Joanna Nemeth

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